This is the PICC line. It is scheduled to be removed on Monday!!! YEAH!!!
Anyway, the CT scan showed a small bowel obstruction--as it has for the last 3 weeks. No surprise to me. I had bad pain in my lower abdomen and even though it seemed as things were passing by the kink, I could tell it was a tight fit.
After the CAT scan, they mentioned that the contrast I had had to drink might cause diarrhea. They were right. I was miserable from about 5PM thru the night. BUT, something must have happened with all of that diarrhea. Ever since then, things have been working quite normally and I haven't had any severe pain...UNTIL last night.
I think I have the flu. Julie woke me at about 1 and said she felt nauseated and sick. I moved over to Dan's bed so I could be closer to Julie in case she needed me. From about 3AM I was miserable. Chills, sweating, diarrhea, pain and cramps. I managed (between the running) to sleep until 10. I finally took some Immodium (against my better judgement after all this bowel stuff) but I had no choice. TODAY IS HOMECOMING and Julie has lots of plans. I took her and Dan to the parade in Williamsport at 11 and I just got back from taking her and her friend Casey to the Homecoming game at the school. Casey's mom will drop her back off (yipee) and then "we" get to start getting dressed for dinner & the dance. They are eating at Al Pomodoro in Hagerstown. Lindsey is escorting them and then to the dance at the school. See Julie's Blog later for pictures and check out Lindsey's Blog for her pictures.
Yesterday, I had to run to Chambersburg to pick up some concrete for Bobby so I stopped by the hospital (where I work) and got to visit with many of my friends. It is the first time I've been able to go there since the surgery. It was a long busy day for me but it was worth getting to visit with everyone.